Dr. Jennifer Huck

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice 262.524.7169 jhuck@360study.net


Criminal Justice Sociology


Dr. Huck is an alumna of Carroll graduating with a double major in criminal justice and sociology. Her master’s degree from UW-Milwaukee is in criminal justice and her Ph.D. is in criminology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She has worked in the criminal justice system as a legal assistant in prosecutorial and defense, and as case manager for the Milwaukee Municipal Court. Dr. Huck has been teaching at Carroll since 2010.


  • Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D.
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, M.S.
  • Carroll University, B.S.

Areas of Specialization

  • Criminal justice system processes and policies in connection to correctional system
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Women and Gender Studies
  • Social justice
  • Women ex-offenders
  • Criminological theories, especially general strain theory and college delinquency
  • Rape culture and myths
  • Sentencing and ethical decision-making

Scholarly and Professional Achievements

Huck, J. L. (2021). Campus rape culture: Identity and myths. Routledge. 

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Huck, J. L. (2022). Perceptions of Rape Myths and Men.(reprint of 2021 article in Sexual Assault Report. Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly

Huck, J. L. & James, S. (2020) Rape Myth Acceptance: Students and their Social Groups. Journal of American College Health. DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1742128

Huck, J. L., Spraitz, J., Bowers, J. H., & Morris, C. S. (2017) Dissecting Deviance of University Students through General Strain Theory and Opportunity. Deviant Behavior. DOI 10.1080/01639625.2016.1237827

Huck, J. L. & Morris, C. S. (2017). Jail Diversion and Recidivism: A case study of a municipal court diversion program. Criminal Justice Policy Review. DOI 0887403415619986.

Book Chapter: Essentials of the Court in Introduction to Criminal Justice. Edited by Bowen, K. N. and Spraitz J.D. (2016). Cognella Academic Publishing: San Diego, CA.

Huck, J. L. & Lee, D. R. (2014). The creation of sentencing decision: Judicial situated identities. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 25, 185-207

Huck, J. L., Lee, D., Bowen, K. N., Bowers, J. H., & Spraitz, J. (2012). Specifying the dynamic relationships of general strain, coping, and young adult crime. Western Criminology Review, 13, 36-45.

Huck, J. L. (2011). Truancy programs: Are the effects too easily washed away? Education and Urban Society, 43, 499-516.

Huck, J. L. (2010). Book review [Review of the book Sentencing guidelines: Lessons from Pennsylvania]. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 21, 520-523.

Stinson, P. M., Huck, J. L., & Spraitz, J. D. (2010). A content analysis of Criminal Justice Policy Review, 1986-2008. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 21, 239-260.

Research with Students

Huck, J. L. Rape Culture: A Capstone Exploration of its Consequences. Celebrate Carroll. April 2022.

Huck, J. L., Bueno, J., & Kessler, J. Connections of Shame, Stigma, and #metoo in an Era of Rape Culture. Wisconsin Sociological Association. November 2020.

Witthuhn, L. & Huck, J. L. Victim Blameworthiness and Human Rights. 8th Annual Undergraduate Human Rights Workshop - Illinois Wesleyan University Center for Human Rights and Social Justice, February 2020.
Huck, J. L. & Von Dross, H. Access to Help: Examining Available Re-entry Programs for Women. Midwest Criminal Justice Association – Chicago, IL, September 2018.

Huck, J. L., Pinter, K., Cybell, K., Womack, J., & Pierson, B. Rape Myths and Rape Culture of the University Life: Investigating the Unknown. Madison Women’s Summit – Madison, WI, April 2018.

Huck, J. L. & Braunschweig, B. Rape myth acceptance of university students. Midwest Criminal Justice Association – Chicago, IL, September 2017.

Huck, J. L. & Murdock, Sade. Faith-based programming and community networks for women ex-offenders. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences – Kansas City, MO, March 2017.

Huck, J. L. & Braunschweig, B. Rape myth acceptance of university students. Midwest Criminal Justice Association – Chicago, IL September 2016.

Huck, J. L. & Braunschweig, B. Rape myth acceptance of university students presented at Midwest Criminal Justice Association – Chicago, IL September 2016; and Rape programming for universities presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences – Denver, CO, March 2016.

Huck, J. L., Morris, C., & Tripoli, N. A study of recidivism in a court alternatives program presented at Celebrate Carroll – Waukesha, WI, April 2014 and Judging the effectiveness of a court alternatives program Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences – Orlando, FL, March 2015.

Huck, J. L., Porter, A., & Snow, K. Cell phone polices in classrooms: A study about how polices impact student use. Presented at Celebrate Carroll - April 2012 and American Society of Criminology, Chicago - November 2012.

Huck, J. L. & Edwards, M. Bullying in college: How it connects to deviance, crime, and past bullying experiences. Presented at Celebrate Carroll - April 2012 and American Society of Criminology, Chicago - November 2012.

Honors and Awards

  • Pioneer Scholars Program, 2018 and 2015
  • Faculty Development Grant, Carroll University, 2020, 2019, 2017 and 2016
  • Wisconsin Department of Justice Juvenile Justice System Improvement Initiatives, 2015 and 2013

What is your teaching style?

I try to stay away from straight lecture and have students work with the material presented. I facilitate active student learning and encourage learning through my passion.

Why do you do what you do?

It is my way to show my passion to the world, to help shape the criminal justice system, and make the world a little more humane and considerate.

How do you make learning engaging?

I use lots of hands-on activities where students are the masters of the information in small groups, large groups, and through presentations. It is not about the correct answer but the learning process. Guest speakers, videos, and field experiences also help.

What should students know about you?

I am rigorous but compassionate.

pano of main campus