Headshot of Jessica Brown

Dr. Jessica Brown

Associate Professor of Exercise Science 262.951.3041 jmbrown@360study.net


Exercise Science Clinical Exercise Physiology (MEXP)


Dr. Brown’s research centers largely on the use of prescriptive exercise to attenuate the deleterious side-effects and toxicities associated with cancer and its treatments. Additionally, she investigates the positive effects exercise interventions and rehabilitation have on patients diagnosed with chronic diseases and various comorbidities. For the majority of Dr. Brown’s career, she served as the Clinical Coordinator of the University of Northern Colorado’s Cancer Rehabilitation Institute and taught countless courses and certification workshops on Cancer Rehabilitation. She is thrilled to be at Carroll and has every intention of “Pioneering” a new rehabilitation program, because— Exercise is Medicine.  


  • University of Northern Colorado, Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology; minor concentration: Applied Statistics and Research Methods, 2016 
  • University of Northern Colorado, M.S. in Exercise Physiology, 2010
  • University of Northern Colorado, B.S. in Exercise Science; minor concentration: Nutrition, 2008

Areas of Specialization

Clinical Exercise Physiology, Cancer Rehabilitation, and Chronic Disease

Scholarly and Professional Achievements

Conferences Presentations 

Shackelford, D.Y.K., Brown, J.M., Rodriguez, E.R., Thomas, R.K., Ruffert, J.J., Smith, A.E., & DeGroot, K.J.  Comparing modified treadmill protocols for cancer survivors: a pilot study.  American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Orlando, FL., May 28 – June 1, 2019.

Peterson, B.M., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Brown, J,M., Brennecke, A.P., & Hayward, R. Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma: Impacts of Aerobic and Flexibility Training on Physiological, Psychosocial, and Cognitive Function. Oral Presentation, American College of Sports Medicine national conference, Orlando, FL, May 28-June 1, 2019.

Fiene, M., Francis, A., Galipeau, M., Kokta, M., Shackelford, D.Y.K., & Brown, J.M.  Comparison of various measures of body composition and variability among technician.  Celebrate Carroll, Waukesha, WI., April 17, 2019.

Ruffert, J.J., Rodriguez, E.R., Thomas, R.K., Smith, A.E., & DeGroot, K.J., Brown, J.M., & Shackelford, D.Y.K..  Comparing VO2peak values resulting from three treadmill protocols in cancer survivors.  Celebrate Carroll, Waukesha, WI., April 17, 2019.

Shackelford, D.Y.K., Brown, J.M., Peterson, B.M., & Hayward, R. Cancer stage does not affect fatigue or VO2peak improvements following an exercise-based rehabilitation program. American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN., May 29 – June 2, 2018.

Harman N., Brown, J.M., Shackelford, D.Y.K., & Hayward, R. Effects of an exercise intervention on lung cancer patients who have undergone a lobectomy. American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN., May 29 – June 2, 2018.

Smoak, P., Christensen, M. Harman, N., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Hayward, R., Kage, K., Brown, J.M., Stewart, L. Complementary and alternative medicine use in cancer survivors in a structured exercise program. American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN., May 29 – June 2, 2018.

Kohli, R., Cark, J., Danowski, H., Bender, T., Williamson, G., & Brown, J.M. Improvement in cardiopulmonary function in lung cancer survivors following an exercise-based rehabilitation program. Celebrate Carroll, Waukesha, WI., April 18, 2018.

Peterson, B.M., Johnson, C., Case, K., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Brown, J.M., Lalonde, T.L., & Hayward, R. Effects of a combined aerobic and cognitive training intervention on cognitive function in cancer survivors. Biola University Celebration of Scholarship and Research Evening, La Mirada, CA, April 18, 2018.

Peterson, B.M., Johnson, C., Case, K., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Brown, J.M., Lalonde, T.L., & Hayward, R. Effects of a combined aerobic and cognitive training intervention on cognitive function in cancer survivors. Southwest American College of Sports Medicine regional conference, Long Beach, CA, Oct 20-21, 2017.

Schumacher, A., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Elcock, D., Brown, J.M., & Hayward, R. Validity of the Six-Minute Walk Test for Predicting VO2peak in Cancer Survivors. American Indian Science and Engineering Society, Denver, CO., September 21 – 23, 2017.

Murphy, S., Brown, J.M., Hayward, R., & Smith, J.D. Maintaining postural steadiness throughout chemotherapy treatment. American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference, Greeley, CO. 2017.

Olson, T.L., Brown, J.M., Dames, K.D., Smith, J.D., & Hayward, R. Effects of exercise training on physiological and psychological measurements of cancer-related fatigue. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, Denver, CO. May 30-June 3, 2017.

Schumacher, A., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Elcock, D., Brown, J.M., & Hayward, R. The validity of the six-minute walk test for predicting VO2peak in cancer survivors. American College of Sports Medicine Regional Conference, Greeley, CO. 2017.

Recent Publications

Brown, J.M., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Hipp, M.L., Hayward, R.  (2019).  Evaluation of an exercise-based phase program as part of a standard care model in cancer survivors.  Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 4(7): 45-54.

Schumacher, A.N., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Brown, J.M., Hayward, R. (2019).  Validation of the six-minute walk test for predicting peak VO2 in cancer survivors.  Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51(2): 271-277.

Peterson, B.M., Brown, J.M., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Olson, T., Lalonde, T.L., & Hayward, R. (2018). Cancer rehabilitation: impact of physical activity on initial clinical assessments. Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, 7(1): 1-7.

Peterson, B.M., Johnson, C., Case, K., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Brown, J.M., Lalonde, T.L., & Hayward, R. (2018). Feasibility of a combined aerobic and cognitive training intervention on cognitive function in cancer survivors: a pilot investigation. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4:50.

Shackelford, D.Y.K., Brown, J.M., Peterson, B.M., Schaffer, J., & Hayward, R. (2017). The University of Northern Colorado Cancer Rehabilitation Institute treadmill protocol accurately measures VO2peak in cancer survivors. International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 5(6).

InBody, USA (2015, October). How RMCRI Uses Body Composition to Heal Body and Mind. http://inbodyusa.com/blogs/case-studies/how-rmcri-uses-body-composition-to-heal-body-and-mind/

Schneider, C.M., Repka, C.P., Brown, J.M., Lalonde, T.L., Dallow K., Carolyn, B., & Hayward, R. (2014). Demonstration of the need for cardiovascular and pulmonary normative data for cancer survivors. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 35(13), 1134- 1137.

Medrano, J., Peterson, B.M., Brown, J.M., Shackelford, D.Y.K., Beebe, C.N., Brennecke, A.P., & Hayward, R. (2014). The effects of a twelve-week aerobic and cognitive training intervention on cognitive function in cancer survivors. UNC Undergraduate Research Journal, 4(2), 1-14.

Honors and Awards

  • Institute Advancement Award, University of Northern Colorado Cancer Rehabilitation Institute, 2017
  • Dean’s Citation for Excellence, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, 2016

What is your teaching style?

I love to add as many practical applications as I can into a course. I often “flip” my classes when I can and provide hands-on activities for the in class portion. A picture is worth a thousand words, and I use plenty of diagrams and figures—I even try to draw my own pictures to capture thoughts on the white board (sometimes they even look good).

Why do you do what you do?

The students. Simply put, there is no better joy than teaching students and experiencing that moment when a difficult concept suddenly makes total sense. Additionally, our students then go on to help others in the community through prescriptive and clinical exercise. It’s a win win.

How do you make learning engaging?

I try to add in clever jokes whenever possible and keep things fresh.  Learning should be fun!

What should students know about you?

I’m in their corner. My job is to supply them with the skills needed to be successful in their chosen career and make the process fun and engaging along the way! I also want my students to know that I’m a huge Shaun T fan! I love the Insanity programs and tend to use variations of his name for most case study clients. I also collect those little stress ball/people. Please bring me more!

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