Dan Becker, Carroll University faculty

Daniel Becker

General Education Coordinator 262.524.7366 dbecker@360study.net


Graphic Design


  • DePaul University, M.A. in New Media Studies, 2006
  • Lake Forest College, Certification in Secondary Education, 1991
  • University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, B.A. in Journalism and English, 1982

Areas of Specialization

  • Digital communication using graphic design applications
  • Digital video
  • Digital photography
  • New media
  • Japanese Contemporary Culture

Scholarly and Professional Achievements


  • 2014 Norman and Louise Allhiser Award for Excellence in Teaching

Professional Work

  • Two works accepted by Wustum Museum of Fine Arts Show 2016, Wisconsin Photography, Racine, Wis.
  • Photography show: Japan: A Contrast of Cultures, Marceil Pultorak Atrium Gallery, Carroll University, Waukesha, Wis.

What is your teaching style?

Encouragement. Engagement. Activity. Humor.

Student comments from RateMyProfessors.com:
Daniel is one of the best professors I've had! He's always willing to help and genuinely cares about the success of his students. He's very easy to approach and talk to. Honest and constructive feedback is always provided.

Becker is just simply awesome! He makes the class heaps of fun and is always willing to help you. Seems to really enjoy everyone’s input on whatever topic is on the agenda for the day. He's one cool dude!

I had Dan Becker for FYS and he made the class a lot of fun! You will never fall asleep in his class. Good guy, he'll always help if you need it.

Becker keeps things interesting and alive!

Why do you do what you do?

Who wouldn’t want to do what I do? Being on the forefront of new technologies, engaging with creative and energetic students, and debating the challenges of design are fascinating and captivating daily activities. If you don’t love what you do, you’re in the wrong business.

How do you make learning engaging?

To be honest, it’s the students who make learning engaging. I just happen to (sometimes) ask the right questions that lead to engagement. Thought-provoking questions, assignments, and activities that resonate with students are difficult to create, but tremendously well worth the outcomes.

What should students know about you?

I’m an uber geek/nerd/dork, fascinated by design, technology, and all things Japanese. While graphic design courses comprise half my teaching load, the remainder is spent teaching Cross Cultural Seminar and Cross Cultural Experience courses about Japan.

pano of main campus