Shannon Doherty, LMFT & AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Adjunct Instructor
Behavioral Health Psychology
Shannon is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, AAMFT Approved Supervisor & Clinical Fellow, Educator, Business Consultant, and Certified Prepare/Enrich Facilitator & Seminar Director. Shannon is committed to the integrity of quality training, supervision, and clinical care. Shannon has been working with individuals, couples, families, students, emerging professionals, small/large business, and federal agencies for the past 17 years. Shannon has a passion for integrating person of the therapist training across diverse populations served. Shannon owns & operates Guided Systemic Health Services, LLC –a hybrid behavioral health clinic & training center for students, emerging & seasoned professionals, who are interested in establishing & expanding their own private practice.
- M.S. in Marriage & Family Therapy: Edgewood College
- B.A in Organizational Administration: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Areas of Specialization
- Marriage & Family Therapy
- Shannon has been working with families for over 15 years, and at various stages of relationship, with clients ranging in age from 5-85. She has had extensive experience working with pre-marital counseling/mate selection, attachment & identity issues, complex couple conflict/infidelity, blended families, post-divorce adjustment/re-marriage as well as multi-racial and cross-cultural couples and families to include arranged marriages.
- Specific Areas of Clinical Emphasis Include:
- Trauma Informed Care
- Grief & Loss
- Faith Integrations
- Personality Disorders
- Sexual Health/Sexual Dysfunction
- Group Therapy
- Mood Disorders
- Co-Dependency
- Parent Training
- Life Transitions (relational, occupation, spiritual)
- Self-esteem / Self-worth
- Stress Management
- Clinical Supervision
- Business Coaching & Consultation
Scholarly and Professional Achievements
- Compassion Fatigue & the Well Being of Careproviders
- From Depletion to Resilience: A Guide for Thriving Careproviders
- Sociocultural Attunement: Increasing Organizational Equity
- Building & Maintaining a Sustainable Private Practice
- Integrating Telehealth as a Primary Modality within Clinical Practice
- Integrating Personhood in Supervision & Therapy
- Prepare Enrich Facilitator Certification Training
- Relational Conflict & Intimacy: Cultivating a Stance of Humility
- Working with Couples & Families amidst a Pandemic
- Treating Personality Disorders with the Couple
- Couples & Affairs: Managing the Clinical Challenges
- Dynamics of Divorce & working with Blended Families
- Parent Wellness: Nurturing Caregivers
- Working with Challenging Behaviors & Burn Out
- Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
- Helping Clients Forgive: Resolving Anger & Restoring Hope
- Integrating Spirituality in Clinical Practice